VIDEO: Cel mai rapid taxi din lume are motor V8 de 8.2 litri

De Mircea Meșter
Publicat Luni, 26.01.2009
V8 de 8.2 litri, 0-100 in patru secunde, 0-150 in noua secunde si suspensii pneumatice. Toate acestea, sub capota unui taxi londonez clasic.

Comentarii (11)

  • Vrajeala
    Anu trecut ziceatzi k in dubai e un ferrari enzo taxiu...oare nu cumva ala e cel mai rapid taxiu din lume?
    1 0
  • Hotarati-va
    Cum ramane cu taxiul din Dubai ?? Ferrari ?
    1 0
    Ceva e gresit preluat gresit tradus gresit englezul e nebun ?
    "Originaly was 2.2 diesel with a one hundred brake horse power at most .... and this is changed now with a 5.02 cubin inch american V8 with about 100 horse power"
    Deci prima oara zice ca avea maxim 100 cai putere si ca acum de la 2.2 diesel engine este undeva la 5L nu 8 pentru ca cineva a luat articolul si nu sa uitat putin in el eventual sa il traduca samd la lasat asa.Iar la urma spune ca acum are in jur de 100 cai putere :( pai ce mare jmekerie inainte avea in jur de 100 si acum are tot in jur de 100 si ma indoiesc ca la vreo tona o tona jumate cum au tabla alea pe ele face 4 secunde pana la 100.Tradus gresit nu de 8.2 litri ci e de 5 litrii si ma idoiesc teribil ca face suta in 4 secunde chiar el se contrazice pentru ca spune ca inainte avea in jur de 100 si acum are 100.
    0 1
  • mircea
    Mircea Mester
    E vorba de 502 cubic inches, deci de 8.2 litri. Daca era vorba de 5.02 cubic inches aveam 73 de centimetri cubi, adica un motor de rasnita.
    1 0
  • E un glitch la film cand zice puterea, nu e 100 hp, nu se aude clar decat "hundred horsepower". Probabil e vreo 400 sau 500hp.
    1 0
  • blacksmith
    pt. mai invata putin engleza...
    0 0
    Stiu mai multa engleza decat ai tu idee, asa am auzit asa am spus e simplu. Daca tu nu ai cap sa intelegi asta nu e nimeni de vina.
    Intradevar daca ar fi undeva la un 500 cai putere se schimba povestea eu aud "one hundred".
    Five point two - se mai spune si three point zero ceea ce inseamna 3mii cm cubi.
    Acum sincer cine si ce aude cat despre motorul de rasnita nimeni nu e asa tampit sa creada ca e vorba de FIX 5cm cubi cand spui masina asta are capacitate de 1.5 nimeni nu e tampit sa se gandeasca ca are 1,5cm cubi ce dreacu.
    0 1
  • cristi
    five o two cubic inch te dai mare kkt ca sti engleza
    1 0
  • si se aude clar ca ii taiat video pentru a nu se auzi cati dkjfndred break horsepower.
    2 0
  • AGN.Ludacrisss
    linku2 ... e 5.2 letres , five point two letres. 5.2 litri , shi sunt 100Bhp nu 100CV sau cai putere

    CV and cv

    In Italian ("Cavalli"), Spanish ("Caballos"), and Portuguese ("Cavalos"), 'CV' is the equivalent to the German 'PS'. It is also used as the French term for the Pferdestärke, but in French, this should be written in lowercase letters as 'cv'.

    In addition, the capital form 'CV' is a French unit for tax horsepower, short for chevaux vapeur ("steam horses") or cheval-vapeur. CV is a non-linear rating of a motor vehicle for tax purposes.[6] The CV rating, or fiscal power, is \left(\tfrac{P}{40}\right)^{1.6} + \tfrac{U}{45}, where P is the maximum power in kilowatts and U is the amount of CO2 emitted in grams per kilometre. The fiscal power has found its way into naming of automobile models, such as the popular Citroën deux-chevaux. The cheval-vapeur (ch) unit should not be confused with the French cheval fiscal (CV).

    In the 19th century the French had their own unit, which they used instead of the CV or horsepower. It was called the poncelet and was abbreviated 'p'.

    Brake horsepower

    Brake horsepower (abbreviated bhp) is the measure of an engine's horsepower without the loss in power caused by the gearbox, generator, differential, water pump, and other auxiliary components such as alternator, power steering pump, muffled exhaust system, etc. "Brake" refers to a device which was used to load an engine and hold it at a desired RPM. During testing, the output torque and rotational speed were measured to determine the "brake horsepower". Horsepower was originally measured and calculated by use of the indicator (a James Watt invention of the late 18th century), and later by means of a De Prony brake connected to the engine's output shaft. More recently, an engine dynamometer is used instead of a De Prony brake. The output delivered to the driving wheels is less than that obtainable at the engine's crankshaft.

    British horsepower

    The acronym bhp may also be used for British horsepower, which has the same definition as the American SAE gross brake horsepower: 33,000 lb·ft/minute. More information on American SAE horsepower measurements is below.

    Deci altadata documenteaza'te inainte sa postezi asemenea aberatii. Cheers

    Source : Wikpedia
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  • lmao ce de cunoscatori p`acilisha.
    omu zicea ca originally, motoru era un 2.2 dizal de 100bhp at MOST. care a fost replaced cu un "five o two"(o- de la oaie) - 502ci american v8 with......
    daca nu va durea mana, si l`ati fi intrebat pe nea` gugal, sa zicem un "london taxi V8 8.2 litre" v`ar fi zis tot ce va interesa..
    0 0

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