Comentarii (8)

  • superb
    superb premiu, nu am cuvinte
    0 0
  • great!
    apropo, sunt scrise in engleza, nu?
    0 0
  • interesant
    poate a tradus-o cineva si in limba romana?
    0 0
  • alecstm
    comentariu unei persoane care a citit volumele
    "A lot of time and research has gone into this huge volume which in itself deserves 5 stars, except that there are many irritating errors throughout which may be due to the translation from French to English. There are many sentences which just stop in mid sentence and become very irritating after a while. It seems there was no proof reading done before publication. It also boasts a complete driver by driver line up, which I thought would include every F1 driver to date, but only includes the more prominent ones. It does however have a complete list of all teams that have raced in F1 with a complete chapter on each with drawings of all the teams cars raced as well as all the circuits old and new. All in all this is still a must have for any F1 fan. "
    0 0
  • georgedaniel
    pacat :(
    pacat,ca e scrisa in limba engleza :( !
    0 0
  • !
    premiul astao sa-l primim ca si tricourile de anul asa?
    0 0
  • nu stiu....
    nu-i bun premiul asta pt ca o sa afle lumea ca a fost f1 si inaintea lu' schumacher. mare "dezamagire" pt ei
    0 0
  • de carte
    cartea e bestiala!!
    0 0

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