Pentru versiunea 2014, Outback nu promite schimbări estetice majore, preferând să se axeze pe extinderea ofertei actuale de personalizare.
Clienţii vor avea la dispoziţie două noi culori de caroserie, Deep Sea Blue Pearl şi Dark Grey metallic, spoilere şi apărători în nuanţa de exterior aleasă şi un nou set de jante, cu design diferit şi dimensiuni de 17 inch.diesel cu transmisia CVT botezată Lineartronic. Este o premieră pentru constructorul japonez, care caută astfel o exploatare mai economică a celor 150 de cai putere. În această configuraţie, Outback promite un consum mediu de 5.2 litri/100 de kilometri şi o rată a emisiilor de 166 g/km.
Noutatea este însă asocierea propulsorului boxerTot cu ocazia revizuirilor, Subaru a modificat şi şasiul noului Outback pentru a îmbunătăţi actuala ţinută de drum.
Altfel, Outbeck este o masina cu o tinuta de drum greu de egalat chiar si de catre competitoarele cu pretentii. Rar veti vedea o masina de genul acesta mergand la fel de bine atat on road cat si off road.
Da. O sa aflam. Cred totusi ca va fi o cutie proprie, pentru ca pana acum, din cate stiu eu, Subaru nu oferit o cutie automata pentru motorizarile diesel. Daca era sa importe de la Toyota ar fi facut-o de mult.
Sanatate maxima!
CVT ... fara nr de trepte (e un lant ce urca si coboara pe niste conuri in locul clasicelor roti dintate) ...
mitsubishi a facut o jmecherie de programare a computerului cutiei ce imita secventa de schimbare de treapta ca sa fie mai placute publicului ... unde mai pui ca au si montat schimbatoare la volan ! hilar/comic dar si trist ...
altfel CVT sint anoste si pt. ca sint programate sa faca economie de carburant penalizeaza drastic placerea de a conduce o astfel de masina.
unde mai pui ca cel putin nissan si ford au avut multe probleme cu ele ... ford a si renuntat ... nissan inca se incapatineaza sa le tina ... pt divizia de lux, infiniti, au mentinut cutiile automatice clasice cu un nr de vit. definit ...
subaru abia de vreun an au inceput sa iasa pe piata cu cvt-uri ... inca nu e verificata fiabilitatea lor. sa vedem cit se vor incapatina si ei sa le mentina pe piata ...
drumuri bune s-aveti ! da' mai bine va alegeti alte marci decit subaru ...
The 170 hp 2.5L may be the least powerful engine here, but it feels so much punchier than it is thanks to a decent 174 lb-ft of torque that comes on early, plus a continuously variable automatic transmission (CVT). That CVT is one of the reasons the Forester placed so high. Those who think CVTs are a passing fad, or an automotive anomaly that will hopefully disappear from vehicular landscape need to think again. They are here to stay and like any automotive technology, they keep improving.
Subaru’s CVT doesn’t try to mimic gears like some others do, but is constantly changing ratios to avoid any hanging rpms that cause the dreaded CVT drone. It is also fairly quiet and incredible responsive. The point of a CVT is return good fuel economy and at an observed 28 MPG, the Forester did exactly that.
uite si alte surse ... parerile sint oarecum diferite ... dar au si un numitor comun.
a nu se uita ca la americani sint puse pe motare pe benzina ...
"The CVT's Drawbacks : But like most CVTs, this one prevents drivers from enjoying a consistent interface with the Forester's powertrain. It lacks the direct connection between wheel speed and engine speed you'd have in a manual gearbox or a modern automatic. Yes, there's a simulated manual-shift option along with Subaru's Intelligent Drive, which provides three modes: Intelligent, Sport and Sport Sharp. Sport produces six simulated gears and Sport Sharp yields eight.
Mercifully, the power solves the CVT's biggest problem but the transmission still leaves us cold. Downshifts are only half-heartedly rev-matched, and despite sharpened throttle response in the performance modes, there's always a pause between input and response.
So, the 2014 Subaru Forester isn't all that sporty, yet many will be satisfied by what its transmission can do. Many more won't even notice."
"This gearbox offers artificial steps to simulate gearchanges in the turbo model, but that programming was deleted from the 2.5-liter version. This of course means you’re always experiencing the usual CVT traits, specifically, a disconnected feel and the sense that the transmission is struggling to catch up with the engine at full throttle. To be fair, Subie’s new CVT is a plus in the fuel-economy department—24 mpg city and 32 highway, according to the EPA, versus 22/29 with the manual transmission. We averaged 19 mpg but, EPA ratings notwithstanding, would opt for the manual gearbox. "
"The XT is now CVT-only, but again, this is a very sophisticated CVT. When put in into S mode, the transmission mimics a six-speed, and the "gears" can be controlled via the wheel-mounted paddles. Switch into the goofily named S# mode, and the CVT suddenly pretends it's an eight-speed unit, offering the driver even more control over the ratios. Would I prefer a manual? Yes. However, this new CVT is worlds better than the dowdy old four-speed automatic."
lectura placuta !
oricum, pt mine subaru ... doar daca ma voi angaja la vreo reprezentanta ... altfel ... no way !
drumuri bune s-aveti !