OFICIAL: Land Rover pregateste LRX de serie
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Dupa ce toata lumea l-a vazut in stadiu de concept sau in varianta de teste, Land Rover LRX vine si in versiune de serie, britanicii confirmand zvonurile care circulau in presa.
Pentru a dovedi ca se gandeste si la fanii sai si pentru a face asteptarea sa merite Land Rover a dezvaluit si o imagine care anticipeaza liniile modelului cu trei usi. Imaginea tradeaza similaritati cu conceptul prezentat la Detroit, singura modificare notabila fiind manerele usilor.
Creat si dezvoltat in atelierele Land Rover din Gaydon, viitorul LRX va deveni cel mai mic, cel mai usor si cel mai eficient membru al gamei constructorului britanic. De productia viitorului LRX se va ocupa uzina Halewood din Marea Britanie, noul produs urmand sa ajunga pe aproximativ 100 de piete mondiale.
Phil Popham, directorul executiv Land Rover, a declarat ca "decizia de a da nastere unui model mai mic in gama este o veste excelenta pentru dealeri si angajati. In plus, feedback-ul primit de la clientii nostri ne indreptateste sa credem ca producerea conceptului LRX va creste popularitatea brandului si procentul de penetrare a pietei", a incheiat Propham.
via | Land Rover
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Small Range Rover confirmed for production
Gaydon, Warwickshire, 24 September 2009 – Land Rover has confirmed today a production version of its exciting LRX concept car will be built. The new car will debut next year and join the Range Rover line-up in 2011.
Designed and engineered at Land Rover's state of the art Gaydon facility, the new Range Rover will be the smallest, lightest and most efficient vehicle the company has ever produced.
The new car will be built at the multi award-winning plant in Halewood, on Merseyside, subject to quality and productivity agreements and will be sold in over 100 countries around the world.
Phil Popham, managing director of Land Rover said: "The production of a small Range Rover model is excellent news for our employees, dealers and customers. It is a demonstration of our commitment to investing for the future, to continue to deliver relevant vehicles for our customers, with the outstanding breadth of capability for which we are world-renowned."
"Feedback from our customer research also fully supports our belief that a production version of the LRX Concept would further raise the desirability of our brand and absolutely meet their expectations." Phil added.
Gerry McGovern, Land Rover design director said "The new vehicle will be a natural extension to the Range Rover line-up, complementing the existing models and helping to define a new segment. It will be true to the concept and have many recognisable Range Rover design cues including the signature clamshell bonnet, the floating roof and the solid 'wheel-at-each-corner' stance."
More details of the new small Range Rover will be released next year.
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