Creşterea vânzărilor de automobile din Europa este previzionată la maximum două procente în viziunea lui Carlos Ghosn, dar totul depinde de deciziile pe care le ia Banca Centrală Europeană.
În funcţie de modificările impuse de organizaţia respectivă şi de priorităţile guvernelor din Europa şi de cum vor lupta acestea cu diversele probleme economice rămase din anii trecuţi, consumatorii ar putea fi incurajaţi sau descurajaţi să cumpere automobile. În prezent, Carlos Ghosn declară că situaţia este incertă şi că trebuie să aşteptăm până la momentul în care vor fi luate următoarele decizii în această direcţie. Directorul Renault-Nissan a reafirmat ataşarea sa pentru vehiculele electrice şi a anunţat intenţia de a dezvolta mai multe modele hibride şi electrice în viitorul apropiat. În plus, concernul Renault-Nissan va dezvolta îmrepună cu Daimler şi Ford vehicule cu pile de combustibil, care vor funcţiona folosind hidrogen. Rivalii de la Toyota şi Honda le-au luat-o deja înainte, prezentând propriile vehicule de serie alimentate cu hidrogen, unele dintre ele fiind confirmate pentru producţie.Via AutomotiveNews (înreg.)
cam da....
Dar na, ce sa spuna si acum fanii Renault cand te legi de "regele lor"...doar ca esti prost ca ii discuti pe altii. E bine.
Ascultati omul vorbind, articolelele sunt seci si deformeaza mult contextul in care au fost facute afirmatiile, de obicei prin traducerea lacunara. Se poate vedea foarte clar citandu-l ca Ghosn a vorbit in numele companiilor pe care le conduce, nu in numele industriei in general. Cel putin daca ne referim la articolul de mai sus. Un al 2-lea lucru e legat de faptul ca voi nu aveti sursele lui de informare din interiorul industriei. Fiecare mare CEO are propriul lui "SRI". Dar nu despre asta e vorba aici... Uitati citatul original:
"What is the 2015 outlook for Nissan?
C Ghosn:
What we’re seeing is a very moderate growth. Some markets will be growing, some will be stable and some will decline. The growing markets for us will be China, India and the U.S., although the rate in the U.S. will be moderate – in the range of 1 percent to 2 percent. Russia and Brazil had a terrible 2014, and unfortunately that’s not finished. Both have been shrinking and shrinking, but for us they will be stable next year. They’re not going to get worse.
And Europe?
It’s going to be “stable-plus,” which means somewhere between 1 percent and 2 percent. It’s going to depend a lot on decisions made by the European Central Bank about how much priority governments are going to give to growth versus fighting deficits. At the moment, the jury is still out on that.
Your partnership with Daimler has been expanding rapidly. In five years from now, how many of your luxury-brand Infinitis will be shared with Daimler? Will all Infinitis eventually come from the Daimler partnership?
No, I don’t think all of them. It’s not a question of basing everything on our cooperation with Daimler. We can cooperate because we’re not really in direct competition. There is very little cross shopping between Infiniti and Mercedes. And if there are opportunities for us to share scale, to save on investments, to cut the time to market –why not?"
Cam astea-s ideile domnu' grc...
"Had you known, back in 2006 or 2007, when you were planning your global investment in electric vehicles, that in 2014 there would be a world oil glut and fuel prices would fall, would you have invested to the degree that you did?
C Ghosn:
Yes . I personally don’t think they are going to stay low, but nobody can predict the price of oil. But there is one thing which is not going to change: The emission problem is getting more and more serious. The restrictions coming from regulation are going to get tougher. There is no way you’re going to meet these emissions restrictions … without a substantial part of your vehicles having zero emissions, or with plug-in hybrids. Plug-in hybrid is more an electric car than a hybrid, as you know. So we feel good about it. Obviously, we feel better when the price of oil is higher, but it doesn’t change our strategy. We still think zero emissions is a technology of the future and we’re going to need it. "
Asta ca sa nu spunem ca unii sunt prosti facuti gramada...
Winterkorn a fost atat de "competent" incat actionarii l-au dat afara !!
Martin Winterkorn nu-i ajunge nici la degetul mic lui Carlos Ghosn.