Lotus consideră că introducerea unui update semnificativ pentru prima cursă a sezonului din Australia este esenţială pentru a putea spera la obţinerea unor rezultate cât mai bune în 2013.
Directorul tehnic James Allison a dezvăluit astfel că unul dintre planurile echipei este introducerea unui update "crucial" pentru monopost, care să-i impulsioneze pe Kimi Raikkonen şi Romain Grosjean să obţină performanţe bune.
"Vom construi cu furie un upgrade crucial de performanţă pentru Melbourne care să ne permită să rămânem competitivi. În timp ce fabrica transpiră pentru a finaliza munca, angajaţii echipei care călătoresc vor plănui şi executa celelalte două sesiuni de teste. Vor împinge monopostul cât mai mult posibil pentru a ne asigura că am amplificat părţile bune şi am redus slăbiciunile înainte să-l folosim la turaţie maximă", a declarat britanicul.
Allison afirmă că este mulţumit de comportamentul monopostului Lotus în prima sesiune de teste de la Jerez, atât din punct de vedere al performantei, cât şi din punct de vedere al fiabilităţii."Testele de iarnă sunt preţioase.
Avem doar 12 zile pentru a demonstra ce putem face cu un vehicul foarte complex. 12 zile pentru a forţa monopostul şi a ne asigura că suntem pregătiţi pentru Melbourne. Jerez oferă echipelor patru zile de vreme bună pe un circuit care pune la încercare fiabilitatea şi performanţa. Părăsim acest prim test după ce am învăţat că E21 arată competitiv şi destul de fiabil", a mai precizat el.Via Lotus
Red Bull delayed for test
Adrian Newey had the world title fight in 2012 pay tribute. The engineers in Milton Keynes operated on old RB8 development to the World Cup final. There was no time, right at the start of the test to unpack the big hammer. Therefore this first infusion of RB9 just an evolution of the Vettel says is: ".. Except for the color, it looks like our last year's car, the biggest changes are under the disguise"
But you know what I mean by Newey. The less it shows in the presentation, the more he has. In the hindquarters The Alarming for the competition are the lap times. This Red Bull's damn fast already in its early stages of development on the way. Vettel set his fastest lap of 1.18,565 minutes on hard tires.
This time is comparable only to the 1.18,861 minutes from Jenson Button on the first day. Button also was the hardest blend of Pirelli road. And on the first day the track had less grip than the fourth. The Tagesbestzeiten Felipe Massa (1:17.879 minutes), Romain Grosjean were (1:18.218 minutes) and Kimi Raikkonen (1:18.148 min) consistently with the rubber compound made "soft". And that is, according to at least one second worth of Massa.
Ferrari aerodynamics problems?
While Red Bull stoically Mäkinen his program and put the composure of triple world champions of the day, it was ablaze with the competition. Ferrari devoted the first two days of aerodynamic testing. Massa repeatedly rolled at slow speed around the course. The car was packed with all kinds of sensors, the program would be able to reel off on an airfield. Total Ferrari was only on 278 laps.
Somehow, you can not help feeling like there's also the Toyota wind tunnel correlation problems. So anyway, you have to interpret Massa's statements. "The days of testing at Jerez were very important. We believe that we have now found the right path, we must walk with the development." That does not sound like an exaggerated self-confidence. After all, the car is not a total flop like last year.
McLaren's new approach takes time
The new McLaren MP4 -28 was also long and hard behind closed garage doors. "The car is so new that we have to learn from scratch. It feels completely different. Some pages of these are good, some not so. We must now sort out the bad of it," admitted Jenson Button too. At least he gave hope: "We have a good base on which we can build the new car is still slower than the old one, but the new approach gives us more room for development..."
With 299 rounds McLaren was behind its expectations. Button: "In our case, you need every round." At Red Bull, one wonders that McLaren as high technical risk has been received. "The end of the season but had the fastest car."
Lotus continues to search the main sponsor
Lotus also brought it far from the hoped-test workload. Kimi Raikkonen and Romain Grosjean were shooting 272 rounds. But the black car was fast as last year from the state. Technical Director James Allison beamed. "We are a very good car, it does everything that it should have."
The concerns at Lotus have nothing to do with technology. Team owner Gerard Lopez is desperately looking for a main sponsor. The expected 30-million-dollar deal with Honeywell fell through. It is probably up there eating a high truck. Williams also had been negotiating with Honeywell representatives. With a demand on the board of the company leaked out that interest had never existed on a Formula 1 involvement.
Scarce funds make Lotus vulnerable. The development could suffer. Also speculation that Ferrari and McLaren have already extended their tentacles to technical director James Allison.
Mercedes confirms wind tunnel predictions
Mercedes left apart from the pitch at the start of testing a solid impression. The drivers are able to drive 1.18er times, but on the mix "medium." The two long runs on days three and four have demonstrated that the new Silver Arrow is basically reliable. Positive conclusion: "The car does what the wind tunnel promises," says team boss Ross Brawn. But he also says: "We have much work ahead of us."
Praise comes from Sauber driver Nico Hulkenberg , who was on Thursday morning at the first corner, "Since the Mercedes makes a good impression." Hamilton took comfort in the old test wisdom: "It is better that problems occur at the beginning than at the end of the tests."
A question mark remains the personnel violently rotating carousel. And so share the many chiefs on the work. Ross Brawn and Toto Wolff are the men at the front. Niki Lauda is watching them. Aldo Costa is overseeing the project 2013er, Geoff Willis, the 2014er development. Technical Director Bob Bell coordinated. About the possible new signing Paddy Lowe is not spoken. "The works in this year at McLaren," Wolff differs from pesky questioners.
O sa se bucure mavrick si toti ca o dau in bara si anul asta :))
Am vazut pe majoritatea site-urilor ca sunt multi smecheri intre patru pereti la ei acasa de isi permit sa posteze tot ce vor ei, se cred buricul pamantului.
Cred ca cel mai bine ar fi sa incetati.
Vorbesti fara sa ai habar, iti spun asta cu tot respectul, vrand sa pari inteligent. Nu vorbi daca nu stii de Iorga asta atata. Eu is profesor de istorie sa stii, chiar doctorand pe partea de istorie contemporana a Romaniei, si cred deci ca-s mai avizat ca tine in privinta asta. Deci nu vorbi de Iorga daca nu stii. Nu tot ce zboara sa mananca, sa stii.
Iorga nu a fost in nici un caz nici omul, nici ministrul si nici cercetatorul de care se face atata fanfaronada. A avut un caracter indoielnic sa stii, chiar foarte indoielnic. In 1936 a provoca incarcerarea unui om politic roman interbelic printr-o scrisoare masluita si aruncata in fata lui Carol al II, care conducea viata politica romaneasca interbelica dupa principiul "divide et impera". In perioada ca ministru (cateva luni la inceputul anilor 30`) a aruncat in disfunctionalitate cabinetul din care facea parte prin declaratii si hotarari ridicole. Ca cercetator toata viata a fost marcat de un complezx de inferioritate fata de Constantin Giurescu, si orice teorie vehiculata si argumentata de Giurescu, Iorga o lua personal si incerca sa o combata prin tot felul de teorii bombastice, exagerate, mai ales in cele ce priveau istoria sfarsitului de Ev Mediu romanesc in spatiul extra-carpatic. Nu putea sa iasa din legatura aceasta obsesiv-structurala cu fostul Imperiu Bizantin, asa cum comunisti ca Hadrian Daicoviciu "gasea" doar radacini slavone, Iorga orice explicatie despre mersul societatii sau caracteristicile unei domnii le explica prin similaritati la Imperiul Bizantin. Deci te rog nu mai vorbi fara tine daca nu stii, pt ca vorbesti in necunostinta de cauza, si nici nu pari mai inteligent. Cauta alt titan al culturii romane care sa fie maia vizat un pic.