Ferrari a coborât la 15 puncte în spatele celor de la Red Bull Racing, însă are în continuare şanse reale să termine sezonul pe locul doi în clasamentul constructorilor.
Şeful Maurizio Arrivabene a admis însă că, pentru îndeplinirea acestui obiectiv, echipa are nevoie de îmbunatăţirea monopostului, fără să ofere detalii cu privire la natura acestora. "Mai avem şase curse şi, dacă vrem să fim pe locul doi în campionat, sigur că trebuie să îmbunătăţim, asta este normal. Asta vom face", a declarat italianul.
La rândul său, Sebastian Vettel şi-a declarat optimismul cu privire la şansele pe care Ferrari le are să obţină performanţe bune în acest final de sezon, mai ales că anticipează update-uri majore.
"Credem în noi înşine. Nu suntem unde vrem să fim, dar pe circuite precum Singapore suntem mai aproape. Ne aşteptam să fim competitivi şi există întotdeauna o şansă la victorie sau la podium, dar din păcate nu a fost să fie pentru niciunul dintre noi.
Dar avem încredere. Sunt câteva update-uri mari care vor veni. Suntem aici pentru a lupta şi asta vom face", a precizat el.Via Motorsport
Sky inainte de cursa a avut o mica prezentare a UHT-ului, si au spus ca pentru care au monitor 4K o sa fie cate diferente in timpul transmisiei cursei din Singapore. Daca nu stii despre ce-i vorba...
Dennis, as “the driver behind McLaren,” is likely to be part of the attraction, Dudenhoeffer said. “He’s always had the drive and passion to pursue goals that are difficult to get to, so from that perspective it would be a good fit with Apple to
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The successful proof of concept involved the installation of multiple state-of-the-art UHD cameras at the Singapore circuit. The footage from these was mixed in the FOM Broadcast Centre onsite, and the UHD output distributed live to Sky’s HQ in Osterley in the UK using Tata Communications’ Video Connect service. Video Connect enables broadcasters to deliver live video feeds over the world’s largest wholly-owned subsea fibre network, ensuring the highest quality experience for viewers.
“This proof of concept with Sky and Tata Communications demonstrates our ongoing commitment to make F1 the ultimate sports experience by harnessing the power of cutting-edge broadcasting technologies,” said John Morrison, FOM’s Chief Technical Officer.
“Delivering the race action seamlessly in UHD from any Grand Prix location to homes requires superfast, reliable connectivity on a global scale,” added Mehul Kapadia, Managing Director of F1 Business at Tata Communications.
“And, other game-changing technologies like virtual reality will rely on ubiquitous, superfast connectivity too. As the break-neck speed of technology innovation continues, we’ll work with Formula One Management to enable fans to experience the exhilarating world of F1 in new ways.”
“We pride ourselves on being an extremely forward-thinking F1® broadcaster with a special focus on innovation,” concluded Keith Lane, Director of Operations at Sky. “UHD offers four times higher resolution than HD, making F1 a more powerful, immersive experience for fans than ever before. The success of this proof of concept in Singapore shows that we’re on track to show every race live in UHD next season using our next-generation Sky Q home entertainment service, and to continue to give our customers the action-packed F1 experiences that they crave.”
The UHD test in Singapore follows a series of other ambitious proof of concepts by Tata Communications and Formula One Management around live Over the Top content delivery and 4K broadcasting.