:)))) tu ai probleme cu capul. vorba lu' chris rock: " women aren't gonna let a small thing like sense *&)^ up their argument" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fQyz_aecNc . cel mai destept cedeaza, asa ca te las sa aberezi in continuare si te astept cu alte comentarii la fel de "inteligente" si cand lewis o sa fie campion si oligomassa o sa se zgarie pe retina cu furca.
1. referitor la traduceri, speram la putina inteligenta din partea ta ca sa-ti dai seama ca raspunsurile au fost in real time, au fost date si notate de oameni care mai pot face greseli in exprimare / transcriere, insa chiar si pt tine credeam ca ar fi clar pasajul: "There wasn’t really a big difference between the tyres. I thought they were very similar in the end." - iti sugerez google translate sau niste ore de engleza.
2 & 3 - din nou, putina intelgenta n-ar strica sa-ti dai seama ca aici hamilton incerca sa fie diplomat, dar in PRIMUL RAND hamilton nu a avut niciodata nevoie de ajutorul lui kova (cum de altfel, a recunoscut si kova in repetate randuri) si la hockenheim tin sa-ti aduc aminte ca hamilton a terminat pe locul INTAI, cu 4 pozitii (12+ sec) in fata lui kova, deci nu se poate spune ca l-a lasat, pur si simplu era mai rapid. 4. daca esti, macar fii mandra de asta (desi dupa ultima cursa e cam greu), nu te ataca in halul asta... eu am zis doar ca esti fan ferrari, iar tu ar tb sa-ti aduci aminte de ce-ai scris mai devreme: " bogym05 de michelle_b 19.10.2008, 11:56
[..] nu-mi place sa jignesc "
In primul rand, felicitari Lewis si McLaren pt o victorie bine meritata! In al doilea rand, rusinica rusinica pt asa zisa "depasire" a lui oligomassa...
Pentru ferraristii infocati (michelle & neogalaxy), inainte de a incerca sa gasiti scuze & explicatii pt depasirea minune, va sugerez sa consultati conferinta de presa de dupa cursa - http://www.formula1.com/news/headlines/2008/10/8567.html
* kimi despre cauciucuri:
Q: You had a difference tyre choice in comparison to Felipe; were you happy with that tyre choice?
KR: No, we had the same tyre at the start of the race. I think he was on soft tyres, I was on hard. They wanted to try different… to see if we could catch up Lewis. There wasn’t really a big difference between the tyres. I thought they were very similar in the end. The difference wasn’t there, the amount that we were losing out. So we tried but it didn’t work out.
... si acelasi lucru este confirmat de hamilton intr-o alta intrebare
* kimi despre depasirea minune:
Q: Kimi, Lewis has just said it was inevitable that Lewis would finish second. Talk us through the last phase of the race.
Kimi Raikkonen: I mean we know what we want as a team and that’s what we did it. It is normal in these situations. [..]
Q: With team orders not being allowed it is difficult not to influence the outcome of the race, so how did you handle that?
KR: Like I said, I know what the team expects and I know what we want which are results. It is racing and I have nothing to lose or win in a way. I am driving for the team, so it is a normal situation.
Q: (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) Kimi, as World Champion, how tough is it to have to put in a lap that’s two seconds slower, for your team-mate to go past you?
KR: I’m not in a position to challenge for the championship. I know what the team expects from me and I’m happy to try to achieve the maximum points for the team, what we need. Unfortunately we missed a few points today, overall. But like I said, it doesn’t make any difference to my season.
*... si pe de alta parte, oligomassa vrea sa ne faca sa creada ca a muncit din greu pt depasire:
Q: And your pass on Kimi towards the end?
FM: Well, it was the best time for me in the race, I was quite strong and then I caught him and I passed him, so that was the good part of the race.
... deci, patetic pt massa si ferrari, dar cum zicea si cineva mai devreme - la ferrari sunt 3 piloti: Massa, Raikkonen si FIA.
Oricum, cine are ochi sa vada, orice s-ar intampla in 2 saptamani, stie cine-i campionul. Succes in continuare, Lewis!
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