culmea culmilor ... azi e ziua ciudateniilor ? Ferrari si McLaren ? Cind stirea spune clar : "2009 championship tussle could ultimately be between Brawn and Red Bull" Despre Ferrari si McLaren spune doar ""Don't forget that the sleeping dogs of McLaren and Ferrari are going to wake up soon. You mustn't write them off." OMG ! Piquet nu e depunctat, McLaren e punctata desi sursele sunt confuze.... sa zicem, dar acum chiar nu pricep ...
ca alte site-uri dau stirea ca si McLaren poate renunta la Kers : f1way, f1live, onestopstrategy, flagworld, etc ... "but McLaren boss Martin Whitmarsh makes clear that his team is not staunchly committed to using the technology all season. "Nothing is set in stone," the Briton [Whitmarsh] is quoted as saying by "We will not have it in the car if we do not get an advantage from it," Whitmarsh added."
credeam ca am pierdut toate stirile pina la ora aceasta ... cind colo numai una =)) hmmm cred ca Dani e la stopit de fete :P saaaaaaaau asteptam sa se deblocheze schimbarile ca lumea foarte buna care a facut "clic" gresit sa poata lua itemii buni ... saaaaaaau ne-am saturat de stiri una dupa alta in asa scurt timp, dupa pauza din iarna ... saaaaaau am iesit la un miel la protap, la iarba verde si stick-ul pentru conexiunea internet a ramas acasa ... saaaaaaau ...cred ca mai sunt citeva mii de motive posibile dar improbabile ...
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