@nu e cam ciudat!
il platesti cumva pe Daniel si nu stiu eu?Isi ia omul pauza 2 zile pe saptamana si sari ca ars ca n-ai timpi!Bine macar ca ai internet si poti sa cauti alte site-uri,ca altfel nu stiu ce te-ai face!!
Un plangacios si jumatate!!Ai cumva 5 ani si te judec prea aspru???
mie mi se pare relevanta urmatoarea concluzie NeoGalaxy,dar pe undeva ai si tu dreptate in postul de la 16.48!
Since we're in Spain, let's take last year's Spanish Grand Prix at Barcelona as an example. The pole time was a 1m19.995s and the fastest lap of the race was a 1m24.357s - but for the first dozen laps, even the fastest cars on the track were only lapping in the 1m27s.
"That gives an eight-second window between a low fuel qualifying run and a full tank, start of the race pace just for one team.
"Now throw in the difference you'd expect to see between the front and the back of the grid, and it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to have as much as 10 seconds of variation between laptimes at some point during testing.
sursa autosport.com
nu uitati ca maine incep cursele de GP2Asia,pe Digisport unde concureaza si un romman MIchael Herck!
I-am vazut masina,iar pe aripa spate scrie Romania,asa ca va fi un monopost usor de reperat:)
cat despre intrebere@automarket,vorba lui Schumy,ici nu se merita sa primesti raspuns!!!!!!!!
de cate ori cand spui numele unei masini ii spui si "-",pe care o are la indicativ?Hai sa fim seriosi,niciodata.Mai degraba cred ca italieni au facut intentionat treaba asta,pentru ca nu imi imaginez cum nu au stiut ei,ca acest nume deja exista,cand inca de anul trecut,de prin neoiembrie-decembrie,am vazut la posturile tv din America,reclama cu noul pick up F150 de la Ford!
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