DTM este departe de o masina stock.
M3 E30 a fost batut pe pista de hatch-uri noi cu putere echivalenta de i-au sarit capacele.
Explica tu atunci ce inseamna "fun to drive" si de ce tine de tipul de tractiune?
DTM este departe de o masina stock.
M3 E30 a fost batut pe pista de hatch-uri noi cu putere echivalenta de i-au sarit capacele.
Explica tu atunci ce inseamna "fun to drive" si de ce tine de tipul de tractiune?
Cred ca la voi "fun to drive" insemna drift, altfel nu -mi imaginez ce importanta are tractiunea, doar ca cei de la Autocar se refera la condusul pe un traseu sinuos unde masini cu tractiune fata si cu putere mai mica s-a intamplat sa bata cei mai buni timpi de WRC pe unele etape de asfalt (cazul lui Leob inainte de a veni in WRC), deci faza cu tractiunea nu este intodeauna elocventa in performante si nici in "fun to drive".
Ursuletul este "fun to drive" dar total lipsit de performanta pe o pista, aceaste Civicuri Mugen au batut pe pista Renault R26R, Focus RS, Audi S3, Megane RS CUP etc. deci este cel mai sportiv hatch.
How does the RS6 get on at the track?
The track is not the natural environment for a two-tonne estate car with four-wheel drive. And as much as we love lapping the Paul Ricard test track, the RS6 was not the car we’d have chosen. There’s absolutely NO FUN to be had in finding this car’s limits. Get some satisfying oversteer and it’ll only be overruled by clumsy understeer. So you end up winding back a little and driving within the grip limits. So you never feel like you’re really pushing and, strangely, a 5.0-litre twin-turbo V10 manages to feel ever so slightly pedestrian.
Civic Mugen
Mugen has fitted its own grooved discs and braided hoses to the Brembo system and there’s instant, progressive power from the very top of the travel. It’s among the best I’ve ever felt.
Is the Mugen RR the ultimate front-drive car, then? On lap times, I suspect it has laid down a marker that will stand for a very long time, and making the Civic faster on track was one of Mugen’s objectives, so it’s job done, then. Personally, I prefer the feel of the slightly more compliant regular car on both road and track, but there’s no question, as an object of desire the Mugen RR is untouchable.
It's mental, amazing, sets the marker for fwd, etc
Nu cred ca o sa intelegeti prea mult dar poate reusiti sa faceti un efort.
Cred ca la voi "fun to drive" insemna drift, altfel nu -mi imaginez ce importanta are tractiunea, doar ca cei de la Autocar se refera la condusul pe un traseu sinuos unde masini cu tractiune fata si cu putere mai mica s-a intamplat sa bata cei mai buni timpi de WRC pe unele etape de asfalt (cazul lui Leob inainte de a veni in WRC), deci faza cu tractiunea nu este intodeauna elocventa in performante si nici in "fun to drive".
Ursuletul este "fun to drive" dar total lipsit de performanta pe o pista, aceaste Civicuri Mugen au batut pe pista Renault R26R, Focus RS, Audi S3, Megane RS CUP etc. deci este cel mai sportiv hatch.
How does the RS6 get on at the track?
The track is not the natural environment for a two-tonne estate car with four-wheel drive. And as much as we love lapping the Paul Ricard test track, the RS6 was not the car we’d have chosen. There’s absolutely NO FUN to be had in finding this car’s limits. Get some satisfying oversteer and it’ll only be overruled by clumsy understeer. So you end up winding back a little and driving within the grip limits. So you never feel like you’re really pushing and, strangely, a 5.0-litre twin-turbo V10 manages to feel ever so slightly pedestrian.
Civic Mugen
Mugen has fitted its own grooved discs and braided hoses to the Brembo system and there’s instant, progressive power from the very top of the travel. It’s among the best I’ve ever felt.
Is the Mugen RR the ultimate front-drive car, then? On lap times, I suspect it has laid down a marker that will stand for a very long time, and making the Civic faster on track was one of Mugen’s objectives, so it’s job done, then. Personally, I prefer the feel of the slightly more compliant regular car on both road and track, but there’s no question, as an object of desire the Mugen RR is untouchable.
It's mental, amazing, sets the marker for fwd, etc
Nu cred ca o sa intelegeti prea mult dar poate reusiti sa faceti un efort.
In primul rand "fan to drive" nu este strict legat de tractiune sau putere, ci intr-o mult mai mare masura de setarea masinii.
RS6 cu toate ca este 4x4 si are o herghelie de cai este absolut "NO fun to drive", asta nu inseamna ca nu se conduce deosebit, dar nu este o masina care sa ofere senzatii deosebite, asa cum un Clio RS CUP este mai "fun to drive decat un S4 sau 335i".
Eu am condus si kart de 60 CP si masina de 550 CP si cele mai mari senzatii tot in kart le-am avut la fel cum un STI de ~340 CP fece pipi pe un RS4 sau M3 de 420 cp la senzatii.
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