Fanii lui Vettel nu-si dau sau nu vor sa-si dea seama ca germanul nu prea face fata stresului. Pentru ca banuiesc ca la Ferrari presiunea e mai mare ca la RBR. Mai grav e ca nici Vettel nu-si da seama de asta ori nu face nimic ca sa-si stapaneasca nervii. Nu-mi aduc aminte vreun pilot, cu atat mai mult un pilot campion mondial, sa fii avut atatea incidente intr-un an. Daca la anul nu castiga campionatul mondial, nu-l vad bine. Spre deosebire de el, anul asta Hamilton nu a gresit si stim foarte bine ca nici el nu e usa de biserica, dar se pare ca in momentul de fata e mai matur decat Vettel, iar faptul ca probabil anul asta va castiga din nou, nu va face decat sa fie mai increzator in propriile forte si probabil sa aiba mai putin stres decat Vettel.
Mustrarea respectiva a fost la Monaco....
"The Ferrari driver skipped the pre-race ceremony to remain by his car, as mechanics furiously worked to address the spark plug issue that would put him out of the race.
But as attending the national anthem ceremony is demanded by the regulations, Vettel was investigated by the race stewards for a breach of the rules.
An FIA statement confirmed that Vettel would be given a reprimand for his actions.
That decision is significant because under F1’s Sporting Regulations it means another punishment for a driving offence this year will result in a penalty.
Vettel already has a driving infringement reprimand, after he crossed the pit lane exit line during qualifying at the Monaco Grand Prix.
Article 18.2 of F1’s Sporting Regulations states: “Any driver who receives three reprimands in the same championship season will, upon the imposition of the third, be given a ten grid place penalty at that Event. If the third reprimand is imposed following an Incident during a race the ten grid place penalty will be applied at the driver’s next Event.
“The ten grid place penalty will only be imposed if at least two of the reprimands were imposed for a driving infringement.”
It means that Vettel must avoid getting a reprimand for any driving offence over the remaining four races of the campaign."
@Formula 1....mda, nu esti fan al nimanui, insa ai ceva cu Hamilton, altfel ai fi pus acolo in comentariu si cum a castigat si Vettel niste campionate mondiale sau Schummacher, dar na, suntem impartiali. Istoria va consemna 3, 4 sau mai multe campionate mondiale, stai linistit. Cati crezi isi mai aduc aminte acum, spre exemplu de fotbal de catenaccio-ul lui Helenio Herrera si cat de urat este privitorului de rand si cati de titlurile aduse pentru Inter? Dupa anul 1990 in afara de un titlu castigat de Schummacher cand era La Benetton, nu-mi aduc aminte niciun pilot sa fii castigat campionatul cu o masina mai slaba decat a concurentei.
Ferrari nu dezamageste aproape niciodata. Incompetenta e crasa la ei. Vad ca lumea a inceput sa faca, comparatii Vettel-Alonso la o cursa in care Vettel nu are nicio vina pentru abandon. Si din punctul meu de vedere Hamilton si Alonso sunt valoric peste Vettel, dar in niciun caz asta nu se reflecta la ce s-a intamplat azi. Vettel are hibele lui, dar cand masina face bubu nu mai depinde de pilot. Pacat, ca au ramas niste curse care probabil nu vor mai fi asa interesante avand in vedere diferenta de puncte dintre Hamilton si Vettel.
Acum nu pot sa sper decat ca la anul vom avea un campionat mai echilibrat.
Bravo Lewis & Mercedes.
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