Mda....sunt multi care cred sau mai de graba vor sa creada ca in F1 e o conspiratie impotriva Ferrari. Si vor sa creada asa mult ca deja au inceput sa dea 'degete rosii'. :)
Ecclestone also revealed that there were moves when he ran F1 with Max Mosley to give Ferrari special assistance from on high.
"Helping Ferrari has always been the smartest thing to do,” he said. “And it always has always been done through the technical regulations.
“Teams are important for the F1, but Ferrari is the most. That's why over the years, many things have been done that have helped Maranello win. "
Pushed further, and whether F1 race director Charlie Whiting went out of his way to help British teams, Ecclestone said: “No. Charlie has always done what he was supposed to do. Instead, Max has often helped Ferrari. And I too. We all wanted the Ferrari to win.
E un articol pe motorsport intitulat "Hamilton: Teaming up with Ricciardo would be a "privilege" si o poza cu cei doi. Daca nu e de la conferinta de presa, mea culpa. Am citit in viteza.
La conferinta de presa Ham si Ricci si-au facut "declaratii de dragoste". Ar fi interesant un 2019 cu amandoi la Mercedes, mai ales la sfarsitul sezonului, sa vedem daca sunt la fe lde indragostiti. Lasand gluma la o parte, Ricci merita o masina mai performanta, asta presupunand ca Mercedes va mai fi performant in 2019.
Patronii sunt americani. Americanii au cultura banului de mici copii. Prin urmare cand sunt mari, tot bani vor sa faca. :)
Si vor modifica structura la F1 fie ca ne place noua sau nu, in caz ca asta va aduce mai multi bani. Eu unul nu am nimic impotriva mai multor curse. Sper sa le aleaga cu cap si circuitele sa poata oferi spectacol.
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