Dupa ce am citit stirea cu discutiile lor din timpul cursei am fost 99,9% sigura ca e o tampenie ce zice Piquet . Se pare ca m-am inselat 100%. Urata treaba. Rusine sa le fie celor trei. In legatura cu Alonso nu ma pronunt. Totusi sper ca Renault sa ramana in Formula1.
Deci BMW-Sauber isi pierde locul in F1, mai mul, nici macar nu are patroni si primeste +5. Ok, vor demara discutiile cu celelalte echipe pt marirea grilei la 28 de locuri dar pana atunci mai e cale lunga. Pe considerentul asta m-am gandit ca meritau un minus"-". Oricum merci pt raspunsul prompt.
Aceste cuvinte chiar nu conteaza? "I think that Kimi, as we have seen in the second part of the season, he is really very, very strong, very consistent, always on the podium and always there. For sure he has improved significantly but he is the Kimi that we know – he is the Kimi who was world champion with us two years ago, so we know that they can do that."
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