BMW Sauber will be a little disappointed to see Robert Kubica and Nick Heidfeld sixth and seventh fastest. For Heidfeld, he was faced with the potentially dangerous situation as he embarked on his final hot laps as many of his rivals trickled back to the pits on tick-over to save fuel.
The German racer weaved his way through the traffic and did manage to pick up one position as he demoted Mark Webber to eighth. It was a tricky situation and something the FIA should address. Like Heidfeld, Fernando Alonso had to negotiate slow cars on his final hot lap but unlike the BMW Sauber driver, was unable to improve his time.
multi piloti au ramas pe trasa ideala Ham, Kova ,Massa,cred si Kimi .Ar putea fi penalizati sau cel putin amendati . O sa fie multe discuti , nu trebuia sa ramana pe trasa, ei cand au terminat turul rapid mai erau 30 de secunde si ceilalti din spate mai putea face un tur rapid. Cand a trecut Heindfeld atunci si-a dat seama Kova si a iesit dupa trasa,
Alonsa si Kimi sunt buni pi ploaia. Alonso a facut curse bune si cu Renault si cu McLaren, Kimi nu uitati este finlandez daca vrea merge tare si pe zapada, problema este cat vor sa riste fiecare .Pana si Schumi gresea si nu numai pe ploaie . Alonsa l-a facut varza pe Schumi in Ungaria DEPASIRE PE EXTERIOR PE PLOAIE. Depinde mult cum vor seta masinele ,cu mai multa apasare sau.............>>>>>
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