Lumea care e convinsa ca cei de la Red Bull triseaza si sunt obsedati de teoria conspiratiei, luati si cititi aici ce spune Alonso despre asta. Sper sa si intelegeti ceva.
Fernando Alonso, who is Vettel's main rival in the championship, said that hearing strange noises from the Renault engines in Singapore was nothing new.
"I think the different engine noise has been there all year with Red Bull," he said. "It's true that in Singapore it's maybe more obvious because it's a street circuit and people can watch in the corners.
"But if you went to the winter tests in Barcelona, in the corners, the Red Bull had a different sound. So they are using something different compared to the other teams, but it's something that is completely okay [legal].
"They pass all the checks in the races on Saturday and Sunday so they are completely okay and it's up to us to do a better job and to maximise the potential."
Treaba cu pneurile a devenit mult prea extrema. Cand ajungi sa faci tururi in cursa cu 20 de secunde mai lente fata de timpul de pole si esti fortat practic sa te plimbi pe circuit ca sa nu distrugi pneurile ceva nu e in regula. F1 ca si competie nu mai are niciun rost.
Dupa parerea mea cei de la Pirelli isi cam bat joc de masinile de F1. Mai ales de oamenii care lucreaza atat sa stoarca cat mai multa perfomanta din masinile alea.
Ce au facut anul asta cu pneurile e exagerat. Pur si simplu si-au batut joc!
Si atitudinea asta a lui Alonso de "noi suntem cea mai unita echipa" e penibila. Stia de la inceput ca venind la Ferrari Massa va lucra pentru el. Asa ca e normal sa fie liniste cand stii ca esti numarul 1 si celalalt are misiunea de a-ti tine spatele si nu o sa te deranjeze. Nu e cazul lui Webber.
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