Tax in Norway Tax is very high in Norway. It needs to be in order to provide all the great Social Welfare Benefits. The lowest tax you will pay if you have a kr. 250,000 p.a. job is 36%. That is over a third of your wage gone to the tax-man.
Accommodation in Norway A one bedroom apartment in Oslo to rent is at least kr, 72,000 p.a (about US$14,000 p.a). It can be very difficult to find a place to live unless you are willing to hand over the money. (Even students have to spend months in university bunkers until they can find a place to live.) The other thing about renting is that you are often expected to pay three to six months rent up front and when you leave it is normal to give 3 months notice. This can make moving costly and sometimes frustrates life if you get a job in another city. Rent doesn't usually include utilities if in a separate apartment. Heating costs, especially in Winter, will suck up a lot of money and can equal 20% of your rent.
Food in Norway Norway has to import a lot of food and the import taxes are outrageous. In order to save money you have to learn how to eat like a Norwegian otherwise you will be spending a fortune. Simple everyday items are very pricey - capsicum/sweet peppers can be kr.50-70,- per kilo in the winter which is about US$10-14. Eating out is certainly a luxury. One large pizza at a restaurant is on average kr.250,- or about $50. A large MacDonalds meal is around kr.120 - thats about US$20 for a (squished) burger, fries and coke. Food will be one of a 'new-mover's' killer costs.
Transport in Norway To get anywhere in Norway it costs a lot of money. Catching a bus for a day can at least set you back kr. 50,- ($10). It is easy to walk but you will not survive the Winters unless you ski/sled everywhere. Because Norway is long and has a lot of mountain ranges it is essential to fly from city to city. Buying a car in Norway (kr.250,000,- for a basic new station-wagon is about $50,000) has very high taxes and don't even think about buying one in a cheaper country and driving it over as you will also be lumped with import taxes.
Work Conditions Work conditions are very good in Norway. The general hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. It is rare to get overtime. You are expected to socialise, are pressured to join the union and generally have to take your holidays in one big lump during Summer. If you don't speak Norwegian you will usually be under contract to know the language by a certain time which is very hard to do as everyone will just speak English to you. I know of a few university lecturers that are finding this extremely hard and are worried about their future employment.
De asta sunt fericiti nordicii. Sa nu uitam nici de finlandezi, care la sfarsit de saptamana, trec granita la rusi. Vodka este foarte ieftina la rusi. Si apoi sa vezi ce fac vikingii care s-au imbatat cu basamac rusesc.
Dubbie, tu poti sa te muti in Burkina Faso. Nu am fost acolo, dar stiu ca e bine. Sau in Vanuatu.
@mircea mai lasa wiki deoparte si cauta ceva concret despre asa zisa fericire a scandinavilor. Intr-o tara unde ai Soare doar cateva zile pe an, nu ai cum sa fii fericit. O sa-ti dau un link si poate ai sa realizezi de ce wiki ii considera cei mai fericiti de pe Pamant. Au Netflix, HBO si bomboane. Si paturi calduroase.
Prieteni fugiti repede de tot in Norvegia . Sunteti astepteti cu bratele deschise si o ciorbica de balena. Dar ar trebui sa cititi asta inainte de a mai ridica in slavi tara asta. Nici unul dintre voi nu se va acomoda cu stilul lor de viatza. Veti avea , in primul rand, un soc cultural din care nu veti reusi sa va reveniti.
Infiniti nici mie nu-mi spunea mare lucru. Acum este alta poveste. Dar, ca orice alt producator auto., Nissan are si modele foarte urate. Eu sunt foarte multumit de amandoua modelele. De gustibus non disputandum est!
Renault si infiniti chiar ca nu au ninic in comun. Dar cineva mai sus spunea ca ALIANTZA nu stie sa faca masini premium. Eu zic altceva. Q 30 bazat pe mercedes? Nah! Asa ceva nu as lua in vecii vecilor!
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