Știu că e un detaliu nesemnificativ, dar OCD-ul s-a instalat când am citit despre evacuările în formă de trapez. Nu sunt în formă de trapez, ci în formă de paralelorgram!
Uf, acum mă simt mai bine
Mercedes plateste pentru cresterea preturilor, desi calitatea a scazut. S-au dus de mult vremurile in care Mercedes era etalonul calitatii. Acum totul este despre profit si reduceri de costuri...manca-le-ar puricii...
Astept momentul cand cineva din industrie (sper sa nu fie chinezii totusi) va spune: "am redus marimea si greutatea bateriilor cu 20%, dar am marit autonomia cu 30% in timp ce costurile de productie s-au diminuat cu 50%". Astfel de momente cred ca pot crea suficient interes pentru potentialii cumparatori pentru a-si achizitiona o electrica si a trece cu adevarat de la ICE la BEV. Pana atunci, frectie la picior de lemn.
Pt cei mai putini initiati (inclusiv eu):
Operating profit and net profit are two different measures of a company's profitability. Operating profit is a company's profit after all expenses are taken out except for the cost of debt, taxes, and certain one-off items.Net profit is the profit remaining after all costs incurred in the period have been subtracted from revenue generated from sales. Differences between operating profit and net profit:
- Net profit is often used by investors and analysts to evaluate a company’s overall financial performance, while operating profit is often used by managers to identify areas for improvement in a company’s operations.
- Net profit is affected by a company’s financial decisions, such as borrowing money or paying dividends.
- Operating profit is a company’s income minus operating expenses like administration costs, rent, insurance and employee salaries.
- Gross profit is the amount a business has earned minus the direct costs of manufacturing or the cost of goods sold. Operating profit is the amount of the gross profit minus operational costs.
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