M-am uitat la toate cursele de F1 din sezonul in curs ( ma rog,din cursa din Malaysia n-am vazut decat vreo 25 de tururi ) si lipseste ceva,lipseste Kimi...Uitandu-ma la calificarile din Malaysia,ma gandeam mereu ce ar fi facut el,ma gandeam ca nu s-ar fi clasat pe locul 19 sau pe 21,ca ar fi fost in primii 10... pacat ca ne gandim doar noi,fanii,altii nu se gandesc.Nu conteaza,trecem si peste asta.asa cum a zis Kimi intr-un post pe un blog, "This ICEMAN doesn't melt! " ! :)
Bravo Kimi ! Mult succes in Turcia si la toate celelalte etape.Orice ai alege sa faci anul viitor,noi te vom sustine ! :) La prima victorie facem petrecere mare toti fanii :)) Doar in 21 octombrie 2007 s-a mai vazut asa ceva :))
This was posted on another forum by a Ferrari insider. He's been spot on about a lot of things in the past - the latest being the first to report the tension between Alonso and Schumy after they encountered each other in the Ferrari motorhome in Melbourne:
"Sorry to say this guys, but unfortunately all is not well at Ferrari.
Before the attacks on what i am about to post, let me say this. The information presented here is from the same source who informed of Kimi's move to Ferrari, Luca moving Michael aside for Kimi, and Alonso's move to Ferrari all well before it become common knowledge. Don't ask me to provide contact names, either take it as valid information or don't.
Here it goes;
Unfortunately there is already growing angst between Alonso and Massa. Forget the charade we see publicly between the two of them or what the team has been communicating. The course of events are as follows;
Bahrain GP
- Alonso was having problems with his setup and Massa didn't want to share any tech info
- Alonso then used the "But i am number 1" card but not as direct as that
- Massa's response was to say "then you should be able to manage by yourself"
This was the beginning of the problem, It was resolved by Domenicali and Luca that both of them will share all technical and setup information and this was communicated to them both.
Australian GP
- Roles were reversed
- Massa had issues during practice
- Alonso simply stated that for whatever reason he was not having issues but his side of the garage didn't relay any useful info to Massa
- This is when things really deteriorated
- Each of Massa's and Alonso's engineers were waring with each other
- Massa's was angry because they said there was an agreement to share all info
- Alonso's was angry because they said they were disadvantaged in Bahrain so why should they give assistance to Massa
- The post race debrief was a very heated one
- Effectively we now have two teams within Ferrari, Team Massa and Team Alonso
a da?sa inteleg ca nu va place cand se comenteaza la adresa echipei favorite,nu? conduceti ambele campionate...sa vedem pentru cat timp.deja s-a impartit in doua echipa voastra.chiar am citit un articol zilele astea; articol pe care il voi posta aici sa nu ziceti ca debitez eu
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