@ Automarket. Observ ca mi s-a sters un comentariu in care nu am adus jigniri nimanui si nu reusesc sa inteleg de ce. Evident,asta in contextul in care aici se scriu zilnic diverse comentarii cu caracter peiorativ si NIMENI nu se chinuie sa le stearga!
Dupa toate porcariile din ultima saptamana,un interviu care merita citit! :)
E de inteles faptul ca Lotus regreta ca l-au pierdut pe Kimi in favoarea celor de la Ferrari insa cred ca genul acesta de comunicate radio nu denota altceva decat o ranchiuna nefondata si mai mult decat atat,o lipsa de profesionalism. Totusi,"plangaciosul" de Raikko nu i-a facut cu ou si cu otet in presa: "KR: It's normal to move out of the way but I cannot move out of the way in fast corners unless I race against him as any other. Maybe they could change their attitude a little bit when they told but that's how they work so... That's fine"",dar "Räikkönen has admitted in an interview by MTV3, that after the next year's Ferrari contract was published some of the team members's attitude towards him seems to have changed." ceea ce e evident pentru toata lumea. :-)
De fapt,Kimi i-a spus lui Permane sa nu mai tipe la el,completand apoi ca se va feri cand va avea ocazia,dar nu acolo,intr-unul dintre virajele rapide. :)
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