VIDEO: Americanii vor să facă o şosea din panouri solare acoperite cu sticlă
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Este greu de imaginat că o şosea poate fi produsă din sticlă şi panouri solare. Şi totuşi, unii cercetători americani susţin că acest material este perfect potrivit pentru aşa ceva.
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Two Types of Module Offer Maximum Output of 130W and 120W; Power Conditioner Has Rated Output of 5.5kW
TOKYO, Japan, August 6, 2010 - Honda Soltec Co., Ltd., Honda's wholly-owned solar cell subsidiary, today began sales of two new residential-use solar cell modules with maximum output of 130W and 120W respectively, as well as a power conditioner with rated output of 5.5kW, adding to its lineup of home-use modules.
Honda Soltec has advanced its solar cell production technology to improve the quality of the electricity-generating layer. As a result, the new residential-use solar cell module with maximum output of 130W achieves solar energy conversion efficiency of 11.6%*1, which is the highest among CIGS-based solar cells currently being sold in Japan. In order to meet the diversified needs of its customers, Honda Soltec is also enhancing its product lineup with the addition of a residential-use solar cell module with maximum output of 120W and a large-capacity power conditioner with rated output of 5.5 kW.
Honda Soltec's solar cells use thin film made from a compound of copper, indium, gallium and selenium (CIGS), making it environmentally responsible both in the manufacturing process and in use. The company began production and sales of solar cell modules for residential use in 2007 and for public/industrial use in 2008. Before the new addition, Honda Soltec's product lineup included two types of residential-use solar cell modules with maximum output of 125W and 115W respectively - and one type of power conditioner with a rated output of 4.0kW. The company will continue sales of these products along with the new products introduced today.
To date, Honda Soltec has sold residential-use solar cell modules to approximately 2,250 homes through home builders and contractors. The company has installed public/industrial-use solar cells to approximately 120 buildings including Hanshin Koshien Stadium, warehouse of logistics centers and hospitals, etc. In an environment of increasing demand, the company will expand its business to regions outside Japan in the future.