Presedintele Fiat e categoric: "Alfa Romeo nu e de vanzare!"
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Dupa ce Financial Times scria acum cateva zile ca Grupul Fiat ar putea sa renunte la Alfa Romeo in urmatorii ani, marca italiana fiind petita de rivalii germani de la Volkswagen, seful italienilor dezminte clar zvonurile. Astfel, desi Alfa nu a reprezentat niciodata o sursa de profit pentru Fiat Group, o despartire a marcii de grupul-mama este exclusa.
"Alfa Romeo nu este sub nicio forma de vanzare. Vom prezenta in curand noul Giulietta, care il va inlocui pe 147, iar pe de alta parte credem ca Alfa Romeo poate sa beneficieze de oportunitati de afaceri importante in SUA", sustine Sergio Marchionne, directorul Grupului Fiat, intr-un interviu acordat agentiei Reuters.
Conform declaratiilor unor analisti americani, faptul ca Volkswagen a inceput sa cumpere marci aflate in dificultate, cum sunt Suzuki sau Porsche, reprezinta o pista de plecare inspre o eventuala achizitie a marcii Alfa Romeo: "Alfa ar putea sa nu aiba un pret prea mare, iar masinile dezvoltate de marca italiana s-ar potrivi ca o manusa pe platformele Volkswagen", sustinea acum trei zile un analist al fondului de investitii Sanford Bernstein.
Sergio Marchionne va anunta in cursul anului viitor un plan amanuntit de atac legat de marca Alfa Romeo pentru perioada 2010-2014.
Printre deciziile care sunt asteptate de jurnalisti se numara cea legata de o colaborare foarte stransa cu aripa Chrysler a grupului american cu acelasi nume si, in campul lansarii unor noi modele, cea legata de prezentarea unui SUV derivat din conceptul Kamal.via | Automotive News (inreg)
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Modele Alfa Romeo in Romania
Alfa Romeo 4C Preţ: 66.960 €
Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Preţ: 76.880 €
Alfa Romeo Giulia Preţ: 33.825 - 73.185 €
Alfa Romeo Giulietta Preţ: 21.619 - 29.750 €
Alfa Romeo Stelvio Preţ: n/a - 96.250 €
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In pozele respective defapt nu e surprins Kamal, adica nu asta era "de aratat", ci faptul imbucurator ca Alfa lucreza si testeaza o platforma cu tractiune integrala, probabil un succesor al extraordinarei Q4.
Deci nu-ti face griji, Alfa nu va scoate SUV in viitorul apropiat, sau daca va scoate, cu siguranta nu va arata asa. Cand ai vazut tu o masina urata facuta de Alfa?:)
in visele tale, a 90% din utilizatorii automarket si in visele VAG-ului TDI nu e mai bun decat JTD.Generatiile noi nu le-am condus, dar cele vechi sunt la ani lumina distanta una de cealalta.Sa nu mai vorbim de fiabilitate.
1-litre to 1.4-litre category
Volkswagen 1.4-litre TSI Twincharger
Volkswagen 1.4-litre TSI Twincharger
1.8-litre to 2-litre
Audi 2-litre TFSI engine of the year (found in a multitude of applications from Audi’s A4, A5 and Q5, to VW’s Scirocco and brand-new Golf GTI. )
International Engine of the Year 2009 Volkswagen 1.4-litre TSI Twincharger
ce sa mai zicem de cele 4 motorizari pe benzina din care 3 le au de 10 ani la alfa????sa ne aducem aminte si de motorul 1.2 tsi 105hp care cu siguranta va fi castigator la categoria sa anul viitor
Ia mai lasa tu engine of the year si mai uita-te si prin teste.Si fiat`ul a avut cele mai multe premii car of the year de-a lungul timpului si uite ca acum nu face chiar cele mai reusite masini din punct de vedere al fiabilitatii.
"The Bravo did have the upper hand when it came to overtaking acceleration at higher speeds however, beating the Golf by 1.1 seconds in the 80 – 120km/h run and by 0.5 seconds from 120-160km/h."
Si acum vine si bomba...Tsi`ul avea si 10 cai in plus. De aceea la 0-100 tot in acest test a iesit in favoare cu 0.4 secunde.
"gainst the clock, the performance difference between the Golf Highline and Bravo Sport was hardly vast. The Golf had the slight edge off the mark, with a zero to 100 time of 8.8 seconds and did the quarter mile in 15.8 seconds, the Bravo trailing with 9.2 and 16.6 seconds respectively.
The Bravo did have the upper hand when it came to overtaking acceleration at higher speeds however, beating the Golf by 1.1 seconds in the 80 – 120km/h run and by 0.5 seconds from 120-160km/h."
Much of the Golf engine’s magic lies in it being aided by a supercharger at low-speeds while the turbo is still spooling, and a large turbo-charger that kicks in once enough back-pressure is built up in the exhaust.
What’s more, the Golf’s direct injection system gives it the edge in fuel efficiency – at least if we go by the claimed consumption figures.
The Golf is also more sophisticated in the chassis department, with its well-honed multi-link rear suspension set-up providing a fine balance between excellent road holding and a comfortable ride quality.
That said, the Bravo’s torsion-beam set-up is well tuned and you’re really not going to complain about the ride and handling characteristics at all. It’s surprisingly neat and accurate around corners, and the steering direct – it just feels a tad numb and over-assisted at speed.
masa cutie manuala vw golf 1346
masa cutie manuala bravo 1275
adica fix 71 kg :|
Start Your Engines
The Bravo 1.4 T-Jet Sport and Golf 1.4 TSI Highline are not exact competitors. The VeeDub costs almost R50K more, but for that provides a slightly more powerful engine – 118kW and 240Nm versus the Bravo’s 110kW and 206Nm. If you’re prepared to live with 90kW and 200Nm, consider the Golf Comfortline that sells in the Bravo’s price range.
Against the clock, the performance difference between the Golf Highline and Bravo Sport was hardly vast. The Golf had the slight edge off the mark, with a zero to 100 time of 8.8 seconds and did the quarter mile in 15.8 seconds, the Bravo trailing with 9.2 and 16.6 seconds respectively.
The Bravo did have the upper hand when it came to overtaking acceleration at higher speeds however, beating the Golf by 1.1 seconds in the 80 – 120km/h run and by 0.5 seconds from 120-160km/h.
While the test figures paint a rather even picture, we did find the Golf’s motor to be a bit more refined. While the Bravo has a slight lag on pull off (it’s not bad, we’re just nitpicking) and the throttle response can be on the jerky side, the Golf is as smooth as velvet throughout the rev range.
Much of the Golf engine’s magic lies in it being aided by a supercharger at low-speeds while the turbo is still spooling, and a large turbo-charger that kicks in once enough back-pressure is built up in the exhaust.
What’s more, the Golf’s direct injection system gives it the edge in fuel efficiency – at least if we go by the claimed consumption figures.
The Golf is also more sophisticated in the chassis department, with its well-honed multi-link rear suspension set-up providing a fine balance between excellent road holding and a comfortable ride quality.
That said, the Bravo’s torsion-beam set-up is well tuned and you’re really not going to complain about the ride and handling characteristics at all. It’s surprisingly neat and accurate around corners, and the steering direct – it just feels a tad numb and over-assisted at speed.
71 de kilograme inseamna mai putin de 10 cp daca intelegi ce vreau sa zic.
Asteptam multiairul pana una alta. Oricum degeaba ma iau cu tine la polemici pt ca in romania TDI e cel mai bun . SI dupa el potopu.
Engine refinement (5) 4 5
Acceleration (10) 7 8
Tractability (5) 4 3
Economy (5) 3 4
Handling (10) 7 8
Steering feel (5) 3 4
Transmission (5) 3 4
Ride quality (5) 4 4
TOTAL (50) 35 40
Interior practicality (5) 3 4
Interior ambience (5) 4 5
Value (10) 8 5
Safety (5) 5 5
Styling (10) 8 7
Fun factor/Emotion (15) 12 11
TOTAL (50) 40 37
nu inteleg ...calculeaza tu singur power ratio si ai sa vezi ca e la fel...cei 10 cai nu fac diferenta la greutatea aia in + ...deci logica ta e pe perete!