OFICIAL: Geely a finalizat achiziţia Volvo pentru 1.8 miliarde de dolari
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Oficialii Geely şi Ford au finalizat astăzi tranzacţia prin care constructorul suedez Volvo trece sub patronajul chinezilor. Constructorul american a renunţat la Volvo pentru suma de 1.8 miliarde de dolari, mai puţin de o treime din valoarea pe care a platit-o în 1999. Banii vor fi viraţi în conturile americanilor până la sfârşitul lui 2010.
În urma tranzacţiei, Stephen Odell, directorul executiv Volvo va prelua conducerea diviziei Ford Europa, iar Li Shufu, preşedintele Geely, va deveni directorul constructorului suedez. Chiar dacă Volvo a părăsit aripa protectoare a celor de la Ford, constructorul american este dispus să continue să le ofere trenurile de rulare, componentele necesare vehiculelor şi asistenţă IT.
"Volvo este un brand deosebit cu o linie de producţie puternică şi a reuşit să obţină profit în urma restructurărilor făcute", a declarat Alan Mulally, preşedinte Ford. "În acelaşi timp, vânzarea Volvo ne va permite să ne concentram pe brandul Ford şi să continuăm să ne servim clienţii cu cele mai bune automobile şi camioane din lume", a completat oficialul Ford.
Via | Geely
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Hangzhou, China / Gothenburg, Sweden - 2nd August 2010 - Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd. ("Geely Holding Group"), one of the fastest-growing car manufacturers in China, today announced it has completed the acquisition of 100 per cent of Volvo Car Corporation ("Volvo Cars") from Ford Motor Company.
Geely also announced that Stefan Jacoby, the Chief Executive of Volkswagen Group of America, would become President and Chief Executive Officer of Volvo Cars.
Li Shufu said: "This is a historic day for Geely, which is extremely proud to have acquired Volvo Cars. This famous Swedish premium brand will remain true to its core values of safety, quality, environmental care and modern Scandinavian design as it strengthens the existing European and North American markets and expands its presence in China and other emerging markets."
Stefan Jacoby, the new President and Chief Executive of Volvo Cars, said: "I am honoured to join a company with the prestige and growth potential of Volvo. Our employees, suppliers, dealers - and above all our customers - can be confident that Volvo will preserve its special status as the industry leader in vehicle safety and innovation - even as it pursues new market opportunities."
Following completion of the transaction, Mr Stefan Jacoby will join the board of Volvo Cars, chaired by Li Shufu, Chairman of Geely Holding Group. The board will comprise several new directors including Hans-Olov Olsson, a former President and Chief Executive of Volvo Cars and a former Chief Marketing Officer of Ford, who will become Vice-Chairman of the board.
As announced on the signing of the stock purchase agreement on 28th March, 2010 Geely has agreed to pay USD 1.8 billion for Volvo Cars, which included a USD 200 million note with the balance paid in cash.
Geely issued the note and paid USD 1.3 billion in cash for Volvo Cars, utilising financing from Chinese institutions and its own balance sheet as well as international capital market resources. The closing consideration reflects adjustments in areas such as pension obligations and working capital.
Under the new ownership, Volvo Cars will retain its headquarters and manufacturing presence in Sweden and Belgium; and its management will have the autonomy to execute on its business plan under the strategic direction of the board.
As part of the transaction, Volvo and Ford will maintain close component and supply relationships, ensuring continuity in areas where they provide supply to each other.
Completion of the acquisition, which follows more than a year of talks between Geely and Ford, was marked at a signing ceremony in London attended by Li Shufu and Lewis Booth, Chief Financial Officer at Ford.
Mr Li thanked Ford and the Volvo Cars management for their support during the transaction negotiations, and also paid tribute to union and government officials with whom Geely built close contacts.
"The signing and completion of this acquisition reflects the commitment of Ford and Volvo executives to the future of this company, along with the vital input of labour representatives and government officials in Sweden, Belgium and China as well as other relevant countries," said Mr Li.
The Geely Chairman added that Mr Stefan Jacoby will succeed Stephen Odell as Volvo Cars' President and Chief Executive, taking up his role on 16th August, 2010.
Hans Oscarsson, deputy Chief Financial Officer, will become acting CFO of Volvo Cars, replacing Stuart Rowley. Mr Odell and Mr Rowley are moving to leadership roles at Ford of Europe.
Along with the new management team at Volvo Cars, Geely today named the full board of directors for the Swedish carmaker, comprising:
· Li Shufu (Chairman)
· Hans-Olov Olsson (Vice-Chairman)
· Freeman H. Shen
· Håkan Samuelsson
· Dr. Herbert Demel
· Lone Fonss Schröder
· Winnie Kin Wah Fok
The board - which will include three labour representatives nominated by unions at Volvo Cars - will assume its duties on completion of the transaction.
Succes VOLVO si sper sa fie mai prezent in piata, chiar si in Romania, pentru ca sunt niste masini de exceptie, nu doar cutii de optiuni pe 4 roti.
Volvo. for life !