Lozul castigator al lui Raikkonen
Kimi Raikkonen a obtinut in sfarsit ceea ce a vrut: a scapat de tumultuoasa lume a Formulei 1 si s-a retras in linistitul Campionat Mondial de Raliuri.
Raikkonen are foarte multi fani in randul cititorilor de Automarket.ro, insa acestia trebuie sa inteleaga ca decizia finlandezului este una logica, avand in vedere felul sau de a fi si pretentiile sale, atat din punct de vedere al calitatii echipei, cat si din punct de vedere financiar.
Raikkonen a tras lozul castigator si va avea posibilitatea sa concureze la volanul unui Citroen C4, masina cu care Sebastien Loeb a devenit campion mondial in ultimii trei ani. Practic, va avea la dispozitie cea mai buna masina din WRC. Chiar daca este greu de spus ce performante va obtine anul viitor, un lucru este cert: Kimi se va distra pe cinste.
Plecarea unui campion mondial din Formula 1 reprezinta o bila neagra pentru competitie, insa pe de alta parte ma bucur ca WRC va castiga la capitolul imagine. Campionatul Mondial de Raliuri avea cu siguranta nevoie de o astfel de lovitura si sunt sigur ca fanii lui Raikkonen vor trage serios cu ochiul spre WRC in 2010, pentru a vedea rezultatele favoritului lor.
Daca totul va decurge bine, inclin chiar sa cred ca Raikkonen va lasa balta definitiv Formula 1 si se va concentra pe WRC. Pentru ca dupa ce va sta un an de zile intr-un dolce far niente, mi-e greu sa cred ca va avea curajul sa revina in zbuciumata lume a Formulei 1.
December 4th, 2009 la 1:19 pm
eu nu cred ca fanii lui Kimi se vor uita la WRC, este bine cum ai zis , poate doar sa traga cu ochiul , diferenta dintre cele 2 sporturi este enorma , plus ca daca nu se mai intoarce in F1 , in cativa ani din pacate numele lui va fi uitat
desi sunt FAN FERRARI , eu zic ca a dat dovada ca nu prea ii place sa munceasca si sa traga tare
vorba ta, KIMI HAVE FUN !
Va ramane oricum in amintirea noastra ca un campion si ca un pilot care jumatatea anului 2009 a pilotat singur pentru SCUDERIE
December 4th, 2009 la 8:41 pm
referitor la fani,cel putin eu ma voi concentra 100% asupra WRC-ului ! competitia asupra careia “voi trage cu ochiul” va f1 F1…
December 4th, 2009 la 9:01 pm
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5GLU8eJjiQ TE VOM IUBI MEREU!
December 4th, 2009 la 9:07 pm
Acum sper sa revina Villeneuve in F1 pentru a urmari cu acelasi interes ambele competitii. Mult succes Kimi! Fanii, dar mai ales fanele tale sunt alaturi de tine
December 4th, 2009 la 9:14 pm
Dar cine e Villeneuve?
December 4th, 2009 la 9:18 pm
@ Jolerto – Jacques Villeneuve – campion mondial in F1 in 1997 – pt o bibliografie completa google it!
December 4th, 2009 la 10:26 pm
Alexandra1710, dar ce parerea are prietenul/sotul tau despre dragostea ta pt Kimi, care apropo e si insurat?
December 4th, 2009 la 11:00 pm
Il vom iubi mereu dar in maxim 2 ani va incepe sa fie uitat. Cat de iubit… as minti daca as spune ca l-am iubit. Deh imi placea cum dadea bine si cat de talentat era dar pilotii solitari nu sunt genul meu. Personal sunt interesat de pilotii familisti care stiu sa lucreze in echipa, iar Kimi nu este nici prima si nici a doua.
P.S. Eu de abia astept sa vina Jacques in F1 deh chiar nu stiam de care pilot ratat sa mai rad. Cel putin asta va fii clovnul de pe pista asa ca sigur ne vom bucura de perfomantele lui.
Asta daca cineva l-a urmarit in Nascar unde este o comedie pura.
P.S. Eu cred ca fetele se ……ta cand il vad pe Kimi si se gandesc cum ar fii sa piloteze alaturi de el nu de alta dar si iubita imi zicea ca visa pe la 10 ani.
December 4th, 2009 la 11:38 pm
nu are treaba.ma intelege
cat despre Jenni Raikkonen,o admir foarte mult si nu doar pentru ca e nevasta lui Kimi
December 5th, 2009 la 1:21 am
povestea s-ar putea incheia si altfel daca vrem sa speculam.Pe vremea cind era la Mclaren pe Kimi l-a sustinut f. mult ADRIAN NEWEY actualmente la RED BULL.CUM ACESTA ESTE LA ORA ACTUALA DESIGNERUL SEF AL LUI RED BULL S-AR PUTEA CA LA ANUL SA-L VEDEM IN ACEASTA ECHIPA.Ce parere aveti,se poate specula pe aceasta tema ?
December 5th, 2009 la 2:28 am
@Hasu: Se poate specula ce vrei tu, dar te rog… nu mai folosi atata Caps Lock-ul… Doamne… imi inroseste retina…
December 5th, 2009 la 1:25 pm
Chiar pe bune ,ally_great , dar cine e Villeneuve asta , chiar nu-mi aduc aminte
December 5th, 2009 la 4:01 pm
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWJgIP7eptQ una bucata om relaxat
iar aici,la fel : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLGgv0w5n20&feature=fvw
December 5th, 2009 la 4:36 pm
Turun Sanomat 4.12 2009 23:02:41
F1-column 4.12.
In midsummer on Nürburgring’s paddock at the eve of the German GP David and Steve Robertson went to Brawn GP and had a cup of coffee with Nick Fry.
From that moment, a few minutes later, there was already a rumour circulating in the F1-camp that the manager-duo was asking for Kimi Räikkönen’s chances to drive for them in 2010.
In the midst of July they still swore in Räikkönen’s name at Ferrari even though the Italian, Spanish and Brazilian press was ouzing out that they knew for sure that Fernando Alonso would take the Finn’s place next season.
Some weeks later I got a confirmation that there was a plan B for Räikkönen if Santander would have paid him out of Ferrari. I thought B was for Brawn but in reality it was made up for McLaren.
When they didn’t show any flexability on some border stipulations when negotiating with Räikkönen’s representatives, this road also closed shortly..
They moved to plan C that the F1-people thought was Mercedes but it was Citroen – literally too.
Mercedes would have taken Räikkönen with open arms but the WDC had already made up his mind after being disappointed with McLaren. Next year will be a rallying year. Not a single one wanted F1-star has ever done anything like this.
The jump into the unknown is quite big. Räikkönen’s managers or his physical trainer Mark Arnall don’t know the rally world at all and the way it works. The Arctic Lapland -rally in Rovaniemi will serve as a warm-up in January and after that he has 12 WRC-rallies ahead of him. He will probably like the races that are on tarmac.
The open card for Räikkönen is the possibility to come back to F1 with Red Bull in 2010 and drive alongside Sebastian Vettel. At this point that is the farthest thing in his mind.
Räikkönen’s superswitch is a huge PR-victory for rally, Citroen and Red Bull.
The genre that has been fading during the last years will along with the 30-year old F1-champion rise in a new way into the spotlight of motorsport. [b] One thing is certain, the rally will grab a part of the F1-fans on it’s side too. Räikkönen is still one of the most popular of F1-drivers and sportsmen in the world. [/b]
TS/Heikki Kulta
December 5th, 2009 la 6:42 pm
BTW – memoria mea imi spune ca aici era si o sectiune WRC, in varianta dinaintea face-lift-ului Automarket…poate ca reveniti cu aceasta , asa fanii lui Kimi ramanem conectati aici
December 6th, 2009 la 8:34 pm
Mercedes would have taken Räikkönen with open arms but the WDC had already made up his mind after being disappointed with McLaren. Next year will be a rallying year. Not a single one wanted F1-star has ever done anything like this.”
Cine este WDC asta din textul de mai sus?
December 6th, 2009 la 9:18 pm
@Andrei.Pai Kimi…se foloseste “WDC” si pentru fosti campioni nu doar pentru campionul mondial en-titre
December 7th, 2009 la 2:06 pm
Villeneuve este fiul marelui pilot Gilles Villeneuve,fost la Ferrari, un pilot extraordinar preferatul lui Enzo Ferrari.Fiul lui Jacques a fost campion mondial in 1997 invingindu-l pe marele Schumi in ultima cursa a anului cind acesta a incercat sa-l loveasca in timpul desfasurarii cursei.Chiar nu stii maestre ?